
April 3, 2006 | Family

We had a wonderful week-end. The dance team performed better than ever and came away with two gold ribbons. It was totally awesome. Bob Fosse would have been proud, those little ladies danced their hearts out.

Aurora has some interesting sights including a casino I did not visit, didn’t seem right with the kiddies. Our Comfort Suites hotel room was large enough for all four of us to be, well, comfortable. The location was excellent because right next door was Walter Payton’s Roundhouse Complex, excellent food and service at reasonable prices.

But the best, the very best thing, was our girls won two gold ribbons. WooHoo!!

Sloane, the overly proud grandmama

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8 Responses to “YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. Jenna Howard Says:

    Yay for your granddaughters, Sloane! YAY!

  2. Sloane Says:

    Thank you, Diva. I sure am a proud granny.

  3. Beth Anderson Says:

    Whoo hoo is right, Sloane! I want to see her dance myself sometime (hint, hint ‘-)

    Hugs, Auntie Hotclue

  4. Sloane Says:

    You’re all invited this June 17 & 18 to the Munster High School for a recital. Let me know and I’ll buy enough tickets.

  5. Yasmine Says:

    Attending the recital sounds great. Let’s make a party of it! I’m up for a few drinks to celebrate. You do a great job being involved in your granddaughters lives. They will learn and cherish you – cause our damn kids won’t!

  6. Laina St. James Says:

    Congratulations, Sloane!

  7. For The Trees Says:

    It’s really magnificent to have grandkids you can brag about. But…you aren’t old enough to have grandkids!

    Congrats on the kids winning gold ribbons. That’s something you can hold on to for years to come.


  8. Sloane Says:

    Yasmine, you’re on because right now I could do with a whole lot of drinks. My involvement was thrust on me. Another story for another time. You’re more than welcome to come to the recital. It’s good, cute, and we go for ice cream after. WOOHOO!

    Hi, Laina, thanks for stopping by. HEY! WORLD! You ought to go over to Laina’s site. She’s got good stuff there. So click onto:

    Forrest, you sly fox. You should know I had my daughter when I was 12. She had her first daughter at 14. The baby is now 8. Guess that makes me 31. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!! Thanks for the congrats.