Decades are Deplorable

December 8, 2006 | Family

I awoke this morning to discover I am now a woman of a certain age. And I HATE it.

Am I sad? Yes.
Depressed? Don’t know and don’t want to waste the energy analyzing that possibility.
Do I wish I could turn back the clock? Definitely.
Do I resent not accomplishing enough by this point? Here’s where I choke and want to cry.
Do I want to slap the shit out of every person I run into today? Without a doubt.

These past two weeks have been a difficult time dealing with this horrendous milestone of my life. I’ve looked in the mirror and been surprised at the physical changes in me, not one of them for the better. But yesterday my tender-hearted daughter took me in hand and gave me a life’s lesson I soon won’t forget.

At their home my youngest granddaughter walked up to me with a bouquet and B handed me a card. Since the kids are sick and unable to attend school, I figured the flowers were my gift a day early and we wouldn’t get together on the day. But they weren’t.

The presents were only from B who wanted me to celebrate the last day of my then current decade. She advised me to relish all the good that had happened and reflect on the negatives with a promise to learn from them.

Her wisdom and kindness amaze me. I don’t know who B’s real mother is because I’m now convinced the hospital tossed her into the arms of a stranger. And I’m grateful they did.

I love you, B. Thank you for teaching this old dog a new trick.

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5 Responses to “Decades are Deplorable”

  1. Beth Anderson Says:

    Oh, thanks a LOT, now you’ve made ME cry!

    That really was wonderful of her. Methinks she’s learned a lot from the truly fabulous woman who gave birth to her, and that would be you, Ms Sloane, no doubt about it in my mind. There’s an awful lot of good inside of you, too. I see it all the time.

    Happy Birthday, my sweet friend. I know how tough these milestones are, but one of the best things I’ve ever seen about aging was a quote from a woman who had passed one of these milestones and said, “I’m proud of all my wrinkles. I earned every damn one of them.”

    Just passing my mantra on to you today. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and I know you will, in spite of yourself. 😉

    Love, Beth

  2. Yasmine Phoenix Says:

    Dear Sloane
    Today is a good day. Yes, it’s a milestone and you look the same to me as the day I first met you. You’re not bitter, you always bring a ray of sunshine and hope into my life and you’re hell of a lot of fun! I regret we didn’t meet years and years earlier. We could have rocked Chicago so hard, we’d have to had move out of town and change our names. Oh wait a minute! I did that! Your life experiences are reflected in those closest to you. Your daughter, your grandkids and others appreciate your warmth and commitment.

  3. Sloane Says:

    Thanks to both of you. It’s been your supreme effort and tolerance that has brought me through a great deal. Ah, crap, this is getting too sloppy. You girls wanna go out and get drunk this weekend? I can handle the hangover a hellova lot better than all this nice stuff!

  4. Maya Says:

    What a lovely post. And what a fabulous daughter. Makes you count those blessings, doesn’t it.

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday, my friend. Here’s wishing you many, many more happy years.

  5. Sloane Says:

    Thank you, Maya. I appreciate your kindness.

    Now don’t you have some edits on BAD GIRL? Due next week? So get hustling woman!