The Soft Side of the Lady Grimm

February 22, 2007 | Interviews

Good morning, everyone. A contingent of readers demanded equal time for the print cover to be shown larger. So here you go!


ST: Thanks for the Golden Cupcakes, Sarah. Now while I’m munching away how about you describe your writing space for everyone.

SG: Most people refer to it as a kitchen table. Really, I write at the kitchen table. Not the best place to try to write a book, let me tell you. Especially when you’re in the middle of a kitchen remodel like we are right now. Of course, when it is done, the house will go up for sale and my next home will have an office.

I might need to put the table in my office, however. My table was handmade by my father-in-law. It’s a beautiful round table with a pedestal base and the legs are the perfect height to rest your feet on. I’m so used to using those legs as a footrest that I have a difficult time sitting at a desk. So, my new house will have an office for me, but it just might have to be large enough to accommodate my round, handmade, sugar maple desk.

ST: You deserve an office and I’m in awe of how much you’ve accomplished without one. Sarah, what’s your favorite part of writing?

SG: Writing the book; discovering the characters, helping them fall in love, foil the villain and live happily-ever-after.

ST: What do you absolutely hate about being an author?

SG: Writing the book; discovering the characters, helping them fall in love, foil the villain and live happily-ever-after. LOL.

ST: Your website is gorgeous. If you haven’t done so yet, I recommend everyone cruise over to and check it out. How did you decide on the content and design?

SG: Thanks, I’m glad you like it. Originally my website was set up by a wonderful family friend. He decided on the design and then looked to me for what I wanted when it came to content. He has his own family and a job, so when it became apparent that I wanted to be able to mess with the site on my own, he showed me how. Since I’ve taken over I’ve made some additions, but the main design, including the red tree banner at the top, are all his doing.

ST: Wow! Our time is up already and I had more to discuss with you today. It’ll have to keep until tomorrow. We’ll see Friday, bright and early?

SG: I’ll be here. Thanks again, Sloane. It’s been a pleasure hanging out.

ST: You’re very welcome, I’m enjoying it to. Have a good day, everyone and…

Happy writing!

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