The Soft Side of Minx Malone
July 19, 2007 | Interviews
ST: Good morning, Minx. Please describe your writing space for us.
MM: Strangely enough I don’t have one. I’m something of a nomad and I’ll write in any space large enough to fit me and my laptop! The changing scenery is kind of inspiring actually…
ST: What’s your favorite part of writing?
MM: I love bringing my characters to life. Sometimes I’m actually sad to finish a story because it’s such fun to discover who they are.
ST: What do you absolutely hate about being an author?
MM: I hate the anguish of wondering whether I’m doing a good job at it. Criticism is a necessary evil but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.
ST: In your opinion what’s the most important thing for a new writer to learn?
MM: Persistence and humility. You need to be humble enough to learn from others and take honest criticism of your work. The persistence will get you through the rough times. I heard once that true courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the willingness to go forward despite fear. I think a little courage thrown in there helps a lot too!
ST: Your website suits you and your novel. I recommend everyone cruise over to the site and check it out. How did you decide on the content and design?
MM: I have been having so much fun acting as an amateur web designer lately. I’ve figured out how to animate gif files, make flashing banners and let’s not even get started on the MySpace thing! It’s easy to get distracted with all the fun web stuff but it cuts into my writing time so I have to watch it.
ST: I understand. lol. Thanks for coming out today. We’ll see you in the morning.
MM: I’m looking forward to it.
ST: Until then…
Happy Writing!