Generating Story Ideas
March 10, 2025 | Author Friend Promo
from C.D. Hersh
People frequently ask how and where we got our ideas to write one story let alone a series.
Our collaborative writing journey started when our drama director asked us to write a play for the upcoming Christmas project the church was planning. That project turned out to be an interactive, walk-through drama with over one hundred characters. From that we did some skits and even have a couple of plays, radio shows and musical dramas WIPs. We really got to doing romance novels because of one Catherine gave to Donald. As he read it, he said no man would act like or say what that character said. He said we could do better, so we started looking for ideas.
The catalyst for the series happened during a trip, where we often plot to pass the time. We were reading road signs, brainstorming book ideas. We came up with several book ideas, but the one that caught our interest came from a road sign in New York State pointing to a place called Turning Stone. That idea just took off for us.
As we developed the book concept, we decided that we wanted something different than the normal were-shape shifters. In reality, we can thank Donald’s psychology courses for the idea of the various forms of shifting. One of the psyche theories is that we all have three parts to our psyche, commonly called id, ego and super-ego. We added a twist to that theory using male, female, and animal egos, and a magic ring that could tap the various forms.
So how do we find ideas that allow our imaginations to run rampant? Ask, “What if?” of something you’ve just seen or heard. Many times, ideas come from commercials on television or just a snippet of conversation you hear in the grocery store or mall. Our newest book series coming out in the spring is based on one our travels where we stayed at a haunted B&B. The room we stayed in freaked Catherine out. She refused to raise her eyes from the floor and learned the next morning that the room had a ghost. You just never know what is going to spark an idea when you ask, “What if?”
Putting words and stories on paper is second nature to co-authors C.D. Hersh. They’ve written separately since they were teenagers and discovered their unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s. As high school sweethearts and husband and wife, Catherine and Donald believe in true love and happily ever after, and that’s why they write romance.
In addition to writing Catherine and Donald love antiquing, traveling, singing, and going to the theatre. Catherine is also an avid gardener and has drawn Donald into her garden as a day laborer. They figure the couple who plays together and works together, stays together—and that’s just what they aim to do.
Second Editions Coming Soon:
Ghosts and Gardenias
The Promised One The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 1
Blood Brothers The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 2
Son of the Moonless Night The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 3
The Mercenary and the Shifters The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 4
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