Archive for the 'It’s All About Writing' Category


October 1, 2006 | It's All About Writing

I am ecstatic to tell you all I met my contract due date with Triskelion Publishing. Lonnie Heats Up has been submitted and received by my editor! It’s a relief to be completed and now I can sit back and relax until she sends me the edits. I can also come back and blog with you now that I have fulfilled my commitment.

Lonnie Heats Up is the second book in the Magnificent Men of Munich series. Be sure to check out chapter one of Teddi Turns On for the premise of the series. Better yet, head over to and pick up your own copy. The reviewers and readers tell me they love it.

To celebrate, Studs and I went to our favorite haunt, Shannon’s Irish Eatery, and listened to great Irish music performed live, yes folks I said live a rarity these days in our neck of the woods, by New Element. Lou and Sharon, of Dolly’s Mammary fame, were there. They’re a fun couple to spend time with. Someday I hope you all get to meet them.

Lou brought up two interesting questions about our world today so I’d like to ask you your opinion.

1 – Why is it that today so many women expose their bodies and erase the mystery for men?
2 – Where have all the ladies gone?

Have a great week-end!

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Good Morning World!

August 25, 2006 | It's All About Writing

Today is great. I’m still on a high from my first chat last night at Coffee Time Romance. Many old friends showed up along with a host of new people. Thank you for being there. All of them helped me get over the jitters in a New York second. We had a blast joking and commenting on my excerpts. The hour passed much too fast.

Susan, the moderator, and I agreed to give away two free copies of TEDDI TURNS ON and bars of honey soap. The lucky winners were:

RAM from Singapore
Jeanne from the U.S.

Please remember ladies to send me your addresses so I can mail the prizes.

Have a great weekend.


Party Time

August 22, 2006 | It's All About Writing

I’m so excited! This Thursday, August 24, I’ve been invited to chat with Lise Fuller at Coffee Time Romance at 9:00 PM EST. The link is

We’d love to have you join us!

All my best,

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July 21, 2006 | It's All About Writing

This is a great week. I’ve completed the synopses for books 2, 3,and 4 in the Magnificent Men of Munich series. They’re now in the hands of my kind editor who was very happy with my proposal for books 2 and 3. Still haven’t heard from her on #4, but I have everything crossed that’s possible.

The three remaining books lead Lonnie, Francine, and Isabella on a terrific journey of freedom and love as they let go of their fears with the help of Heicke, Rhineholdt, and Wolfe. You really should read TEDDI TURNS ON to learn about the people I’m referring to here.

Our three heroes also find a new world as the ladies teach them there’s more to life than living in the past and one night stands.

Now for even more good news. Studly and I are off on a well deserved three week vacation in Europe. Studs is making the supreme effort to savor as many beers and wines he can swallow while I research more data for the above mentioned books. Ya gotta love a guy who will go to such lengths to make his woman happy.

We decided to create some fun for you as well. Please sign up for my quarterly newsletter. When we return two names will be drawn. The lucky winners will each receive two bars of the honey soap featured in the Magnificent Men of Munich series, a bath scrubby, and a free copy of TEDDI TURNS ON. The drawing will be held August 15.

Enjoy yourself while we’re gone!

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Hey All You Writers!

July 12, 2006 | It's All About Writing

If you are serious about writing and making it in the publishing industry I recommend you click on this link, or at least type it in if the click doesn’t work.

Beth Anderson’s best bud, the Amazing Hotclue, has written a pertinent blog on revisions. It’s well worth your time to read it.

Happy Writing,

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You Have Got To Do This!

June 10, 2006 | It's All About Writing

Hotclue and Award-Winning author Beth Anderson have written the funniest blog you’ll ever have chance to read. Type in the address in your computer and enjoy.

Have a great weekend!

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May 8, 2006 | It's All About Writing

The Passionate Ink BIAW ended better than I had hoped. Friday I was ecstatic to post my accomplishment as 2082 words. It was a struggle at times, but I did it. My goal was 8000 words and I surpassed it by 14. Not a world record, I know, but damn I feel good about.

My new novel has direction, strong sexual tension, and two characters I am falling in love with. Don’t worry, Studs, you’ll always be number one. Does anyone have an opinion as to when they should make love for the first time? Should it be love? Or should they get down and dirty?

Today the writing has been so due to other unavoidable commitments. My calendar is clear for the rest of the week and I will produce!

Have a great week and I’ll be back Friday!


| It's All About Writing

The Passionate Ink BIAW ended better than I had hoped. Friday I was ecstatic to post my accomplishment as 2082 words. It was a struggle at times, but I did it. My goal was 8000 words and I surpassed it by 14. Not a world record, I know, but damn I feel good about.

My new novel has direction, strong sexual tension, and two characters I am falling in love with. Don’t worry, Studs, you’ll always be number one. Does anyone have an opinion as to when they should make love for the first time? Should it be love? Or should they get down and dirty?

Today the writing has been so due to other unavoidable commitments. My calendar is clear for the rest of the week and I will produce!

Have a great week and I’ll be back Friday!

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| It's All About Writing

The Passionate Ink BIAW ended better than I had hoped. Friday I was ecstatic to post my accomplishment as 2082 words. It was a struggle at times, but I did it. My goal was 8000 words and I surpassed it by 14. Not a world record, I know, but damn I feel good about.

My new novel has direction, strong sexual tension, and two characters I am falling in love with. Don’t worry, Studs, you’ll always be number one. Does anyone have an opinion as to when they should make love for the first time? Should it be love? Or should they get down and dirty?

Today the writing has been so due to other unavoidable commitments. My calendar is clear for the rest of the week and I will produce!

Have a great week and I’ll be back Friday!

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A Woman’s Work Is Never Done

May 5, 2006 | It's All About Writing

This week I am participating in Passionate Ink’s BIAW which started last Sunday. For those of you aren’t familiar with the term BIAW, it means you write a Book In A Week. No easy feat for a procrastinator like me.

The writer commits to a number of words, in my case 8,000, and logs their daily production into the group database. Here it is Friday and I feel I should be committed, not to a word count either. During this week from hell, everything and anything that could go wrong, did.

Not that I didn’t have fun, far from it. The day was spent with my two energetic granddaughters. What a pair! They can think of more events for this lazy grandma than colors in the jumbo Crayola box.

Production – zip.

A was truly a horrid day. Enough said about that because I don’t ever want to relive it. Although the evening was great. Studly decided I needed to focus. Truer words, and all that. He came up with a plan I felt I could live with – every Tuesday evening we would meet for one hour and discuss my progress. Later that evening our critique group met and helped me do some basic plotting on my new novel.

Production – zip.

I was finally inspired to write. It really felt good to get back into the story. After dinner Studs and I had our little talk. We agreed I needed to produce 1000 words a day, seven days a week and email him every morning with my previous day’s word count. This is doable. In case you haven’t figured it out, I have zero discipline.

Production – 955 words.

Life is getting good here. My favorite son-in-law, okay he’s my only SIL, started a new job. I was needed to watch the girls for a couple of hours in the late afternoon. Banged my little fingers on the keyboard like crazy in the morning to reach my quota.

Production – 1225 words

My daughter asked me to tag along, I love being needed, to walk through a house they’re interested in buying. No problem. It took just short of two hours and I was back at the keyboard. Studs agreed to give me an extra two hours to work at the end of the day because of playing hooky earlier.

Production – 2005 words.

I’m writing whirlwind today. Even doing errands this morning I was jotting notes on any scrap of paper I could dig out of my purse. WOOHOO!! Things are starting to happen. Lonnie and Wolfe met, are hot for each other, and fighting it all the way.

Monday stop on back if you have the time and I’ll let you know how the BIAW ended.

Have a great week-end!